Quick start

After installing the code and downloading the accompanying data (see installation) you are ready to calculate limb-darkening coefficients. Below we demonstrate a minimal example.

First, we define the stellar parameters and which stellar models to use in the computation.

# Path to the downloaded data.
ld_data_path = 'path/to/exotic_ld_data'

# Stellar models grid.
ld_model = 'mps1'

# Metallicty [dex].
M_H = 0.01

# Effective temperature [K].
Teff = 5512

# Surface gravity [dex].
logg = 4.47

Next, import the StellarLimbDarkening class and set the stellar parameters.

from exotic_ld import StellarLimbDarkening

sld = StellarLimbDarkening(M_H, Teff, logg, ld_model, ld_data_path)

Now you can compute the stellar limb-darkening coefficients for the limb-darkening law of your choice. You simply have to specify the instrument mode and the wavelength range you require.

# Start and end of wavelength interval [angstroms].
wavelength_range = [20000., 30000.]

# Instrument mode.
mode = 'JWST_NIRSpec_prism'

u1, u2 = sld.compute_quadratic_ld_coeffs(wavelength_range, mode)

The limb-darkening laws available are linear, quadratic, square root, 3-parameter and 4-parameter non-linear. The available stellar grids are listed in supported stellar grids, and the available instrument modes are listed in supported instruments.