
There are two steps for installing ExoTiC-LD.

  1. install the package with pip:

    pip install exotic-ld
  2. Download the stellar models and instrument throughputs from this zenodo link. Make sure that you download the version that matches the exotic-ld package version.

    The downloaded and unzipped directory structure should have the following layout:

    ├── Sensitivity_files/
    ├── kurucz/
    ├── stagger/
    ├── mps1/
    ├── mps2/

    Some of the stellar grids are very large in size, and so you can choose to download only the stellar grids that you require. The instrument throughputs directory, “Sensitivity_files”, must always be included.

    You can place the downloaded directory anywhere on your machine, you’ll just need to pass the path, “path/to/exotic_ld_data”, as an input when running the code.