Source code for exotic_ld.ld_computation

import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.special import roots_legendre

from exotic_ld.ld_grids import StellarGrids
from exotic_ld.ld_requests import download
from exotic_ld.ld_laws import linear_ld_law, quadratic_ld_law, \
    squareroot_ld_law, nonlinear_3param_ld_law, nonlinear_4param_ld_law, \

[docs] class StellarLimbDarkening(object): """ Stellar limb darkening class. Compute the limb-darkening coefficients for a specified stellar model, instrument throughput, and limb-darkening law. Parameters ---------- M_H : float Stellar metallicity [dex]. Teff : int Stellar effective temperature [kelvin]. logg : float Stellar log(g) [dex]. ld_model : string Choose between 'phoenix', 'kurucz', 'stagger', 'mps1', 'mps2', or 'custom'. kurucz are 1D stellar models, can be referenced as '1D'. stagger are 3D stellar models, can be referenced as '3D'. mps1 are the MPS-ATLAS set 1 models. mps2 are the MPS-ATLAS set 2 models. If custom, must also provide custom_wavelengths, custom_mus, and custom_stellar_model. ld_data_path : string Path to exotic-ld-data directory. As of version>=3.2.0 this path specifies where stellar and instrument data are automatically downloaded and stored. Only the required data is downloaded, and if the data has previsouly been used, then no download is required. The directory will be automatically created on the first call. It remains an option, and is backwards compatible, to download all the data from zenodo and specify the path. interpolate_type : string Choose between 'nearest' and 'trilinear'. custom_wavelengths : numpy.ndarray, shape (n,) If ld_model='custom', pass the wavelengths of you stellar model in angstroms. custom_mus : numpy.ndarray, shape (m,) If ld_model='custom', pass the mu values at which you stellar model is defined. custom_stellar_model : numpy.ndarray, shape (n, m) If ld_model='custom', pass the specific intensity of your stellar for each wavelength and mu value. Note specific intensity must be in units of [n_photons / s / cm^2 / Angstrom / steradian]. ld_data_version : string Version number of the data files. Implemented at 3.2.0, and this corresponds to files with no version number appended. Recommend not changing this from the default value. verbose : int Level of printed information during calculation. Default: 1. 0 (no info), 1 (warnings/downloads), 2 (step-by-step info). Examples -------- >>> from exotic_ld import StellarLimbDarkening >>> sld = StellarLimbDarkening( M_H=0.1, Teff=6045, logg=4.2, ld_model='mps1', ld_data_path='path/to/ExoTiC-LD_data') >>> c1, c2 = sld.compute_quadratic_ld_coeffs( wavelength_range=np.array([20000., 30000.]), mode='JWST_NIRSpec_Prism') """ def __init__(self, M_H=None, Teff=None, logg=None, ld_model="mps1", ld_data_path="exotic_ld_data", interpolate_type="nearest", custom_wavelengths=None, custom_mus=None, custom_stellar_model=None, ld_data_version="3.2.0", verbose=1): self.verbose = verbose # Stellar input parameters. self.M_H_input = float(M_H) if M_H is not None else None self.Teff_input = int(Teff) if Teff is not None else None self.logg_input = float(logg) if logg is not None else None self.interpolate_type = interpolate_type if self.verbose > 1: print("Input stellar parameters are M_H={}, Teff={}, logg={}." .format(self.M_H_input, self.Teff_input, self.logg_input)) # Set stellar grid. self.ld_data_path = ld_data_path self.remote_ld_data_path = "" self.ld_data_version = ld_data_version if self.ld_data_version == "3.2.0": self.ld_data_version = "" # Ensures backwards compatibility. if ld_model == "1D": self.ld_model = "kurucz" elif ld_model == "3D": self.ld_model = "stagger" else: self.ld_model = ld_model # Load/build stellar model. self.stellar_wavelengths = None self.mus = None self.stellar_intensities = None self.I_mu = None if self.ld_model == "custom": self.stellar_wavelengths = custom_wavelengths self.mus = custom_mus self.stellar_intensities = custom_stellar_model if self.verbose > 1: print("Using custom stellar model.") else: self._load_stellar_model() self._check_stellar_model() def __repr__(self): return "Stellar limb darkening: {} models.".format(self.ld_model)
[docs] def compute_linear_ld_coeffs(self, wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths=None, custom_throughput=None, mu_min=0.10, return_sigmas=False): """ Compute the linear limb-darkening coefficients. Parameters ---------- wavelength_range : array_like, (start, end) Wavelength range over which to compute the limb-darkening coefficients. Wavelengths must be given in angstroms and the values must fall within the supported range of the corresponding instrument mode. mode : string Instrument mode that defines the throughput. Modes supported for Hubble: 'HST_STIS_G430L', 'HST_STIS_G750L', 'HST_WFC3_G280p1', 'HST_WFC3_G280n1', 'HST_WFC3_G102', 'HST_WFC3_G141'. Modes supported for JWST: 'JWST_NIRSpec_Prism', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f070', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f070', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo1', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F322W2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F444', 'JWST_MIRI_LRS'. Modes for photometry: 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch1', 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch2', 'TESS'. Alternatively, use 'custom' mode. In this case the custom wavelength and custom throughput must also be specified. custom_wavelengths : array_like, optional Wavelengths corresponding to custom_throughput [angstroms]. custom_throughput : array_like, optional Throughputs corresponding to custom_wavelengths. mu_min : float Minimum value of mu to include in the fitting process. return_sigmas : boolean Return the uncertainties, or standard deviations, of each fitted limb-darkening coefficient. Default: False. Returns ------- if return_sigmas == False: (c1, ) : tuple Limb-darkening coefficients for the linear law. else: ((c1, ), (c1_sigma, )) : tuple of tuples Limb-darkening coefficients for the linear law and uncertainties on each coefficient. """ # Compute I(mu) for a given response function. self._integrate_I_mu(wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) # Fit limb-darkening law. return self._fit_ld_law(linear_ld_law, mu_min, return_sigmas)
[docs] def compute_quadratic_ld_coeffs(self, wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths=None, custom_throughput=None, mu_min=0.10, return_sigmas=False): """ Compute the quadratic limb-darkening coefficients. Parameters ---------- wavelength_range : array_like, (start, end) Wavelength range over which to compute the limb-darkening coefficients. Wavelengths must be given in angstroms and the values must fall within the supported range of the corresponding instrument mode. mode : string Instrument mode that defines the throughput. Modes supported for Hubble: 'HST_STIS_G430L', 'HST_STIS_G750L', 'HST_WFC3_G280p1', 'HST_WFC3_G280n1', 'HST_WFC3_G102', 'HST_WFC3_G141'. Modes supported for JWST: 'JWST_NIRSpec_Prism', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f070', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f070', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo1', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F322W2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F444', 'JWST_MIRI_LRS'. Modes for photometry: 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch1', 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch2', 'TESS'. Alternatively, use 'custom' mode. In this case the custom wavelength and custom throughput must also be specified. custom_wavelengths : array_like, optional Wavelengths corresponding to custom_throughput [angstroms]. custom_throughput : array_like, optional Throughputs corresponding to custom_wavelengths. mu_min : float Minimum value of mu to include in the fitting process. return_sigmas : boolean Return the uncertainties, or standard deviations, of each fitted limb-darkening coefficient. Default: False. Returns ------- if return_sigmas == False: (c1, c2) : tuple Limb-darkening coefficients for the quadratic law. else: ((c1, c2), (c1_sigma, c2_sigma)) : tuple of tuples Limb-darkening coefficients for the quadratic law and uncertainties on each coefficient. """ # Compute I(mu) for a given response function. self._integrate_I_mu(wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) # Fit limb-darkening law. return self._fit_ld_law(quadratic_ld_law, mu_min, return_sigmas)
[docs] def compute_kipping_ld_coeffs(self, wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths=None, custom_throughput=None, mu_min=0.10, return_sigmas=False): """ Compute the Kipping limb-darkening coefficients. These are based on a reparameterisation of the quadratic law as described in Kipping 2013, MNRAS, 435, 2152. See equations 15 -- 18: u1 = 2 * q1^0.5 * q2 u2 = q1^0.5 * (1 - 2 * q2) or, q1 = (u1 + u2)^2, q2 = 0.5 * u1 * (u1 + u2)^-1. Parameters ---------- wavelength_range : array_like, (start, end) Wavelength range over which to compute the limb-darkening coefficients. Wavelengths must be given in angstroms and the values must fall within the supported range of the corresponding instrument mode. mode : string Instrument mode that defines the throughput. Modes supported for Hubble: 'HST_STIS_G430L', 'HST_STIS_G750L', 'HST_WFC3_G280p1', 'HST_WFC3_G280n1', 'HST_WFC3_G102', 'HST_WFC3_G141'. Modes supported for JWST: 'JWST_NIRSpec_Prism', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f070', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f070', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo1', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F322W2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F444', 'JWST_MIRI_LRS'. Modes for photometry: 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch1', 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch2', 'TESS'. Alternatively, use 'custom' mode. In this case the custom wavelength and custom throughput must also be specified. custom_wavelengths : array_like, optional Wavelengths corresponding to custom_throughput [angstroms]. custom_throughput : array_like, optional Throughputs corresponding to custom_wavelengths. mu_min : float Minimum value of mu to include in the fitting process. return_sigmas : boolean Return the uncertainties, or standard deviations, of each fitted limb-darkening coefficient. Default: False. Returns ------- if return_sigmas == False: (c1, c2) : tuple Limb-darkening coefficients for the Kipping law. else: ((c1, c2), (c1_sigma, c2_sigma)) : tuple of tuples Limb-darkening coefficients for the Kipping law and uncertainties on each coefficient. """ # Compute I(mu) for a given response function. self._integrate_I_mu(wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) # Fit limb-darkening law. return self._fit_ld_law(kipping_ld_law, mu_min, return_sigmas)
[docs] def compute_squareroot_ld_coeffs(self, wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths=None, custom_throughput=None, mu_min=0.10, return_sigmas=False): """ Compute the square root limb-darkening coefficients. Parameters ---------- wavelength_range : array_like, (start, end) Wavelength range over which to compute the limb-darkening coefficients. Wavelengths must be given in angstroms and the values must fall within the supported range of the corresponding instrument mode. mode : string Instrument mode that defines the throughput. Modes supported for Hubble: 'HST_STIS_G430L', 'HST_STIS_G750L', 'HST_WFC3_G280p1', 'HST_WFC3_G280n1', 'HST_WFC3_G102', 'HST_WFC3_G141'. Modes supported for JWST: 'JWST_NIRSpec_Prism', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f070', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f070', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo1', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F322W2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F444', 'JWST_MIRI_LRS'. Modes for photometry: 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch1', 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch2', 'TESS'. Alternatively, use 'custom' mode. In this case the custom wavelength and custom throughput must also be specified. custom_wavelengths : array_like, optional Wavelengths corresponding to custom_throughput [angstroms]. custom_throughput : array_like, optional Throughputs corresponding to custom_wavelengths. mu_min : float Minimum value of mu to include in the fitting process. return_sigmas : boolean Return the uncertainties, or standard deviations, of each fitted limb-darkening coefficient. Default: False. Returns ------- if return_sigmas == False: (c1, c2) : tuple Limb-darkening coefficients for the square root law. else: ((c1, c2), (c1_sigma, c2_sigma)) : tuple of tuples Limb-darkening coefficients for the square root law and uncertainties on each coefficient. """ # Compute I(mu) for a given response function. self._integrate_I_mu(wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) # Fit limb-darkening law. return self._fit_ld_law(squareroot_ld_law, mu_min, return_sigmas)
[docs] def compute_3_parameter_non_linear_ld_coeffs(self, wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths=None, custom_throughput=None, mu_min=0.10, return_sigmas=False): """ Compute the three-parameter non-linear limb-darkening coefficients. Parameters ---------- wavelength_range : array_like, (start, end) Wavelength range over which to compute the limb-darkening coefficients. Wavelengths must be given in angstroms and the values must fall within the supported range of the corresponding instrument mode. mode : string Instrument mode that defines the throughput. Modes supported for Hubble: 'HST_STIS_G430L', 'HST_STIS_G750L', 'HST_WFC3_G280p1', 'HST_WFC3_G280n1', 'HST_WFC3_G102', 'HST_WFC3_G141'. Modes supported for JWST: 'JWST_NIRSpec_Prism', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f070', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f070', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo1', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F322W2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F444', 'JWST_MIRI_LRS'. Modes for photometry: 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch1', 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch2', 'TESS'. Alternatively, use 'custom' mode. In this case the custom wavelength and custom throughput must also be specified. custom_wavelengths : array_like, optional Wavelengths corresponding to custom_throughput [angstroms]. custom_throughput : array_like, optional Throughputs corresponding to custom_wavelengths. mu_min : float Minimum value of mu to include in the fitting process. return_sigmas : boolean Return the uncertainties, or standard deviations, of each fitted limb-darkening coefficient. Default: False. Returns ------- if return_sigmas == False: (c1, c2, c3) : tuple Limb-darkening coefficients for the three-parameter non-linear law. else: ((c1, c2, c3), (c1_sigma, c2_sigma, c3_sigma)) : tuple of tuples Limb-darkening coefficients for the three-parameter non-linear law and uncertainties on each coefficient. """ # Compute I(mu) for a given response function. self._integrate_I_mu(wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) # Fit limb-darkening law. return self._fit_ld_law(nonlinear_3param_ld_law, mu_min, return_sigmas)
[docs] def compute_4_parameter_non_linear_ld_coeffs(self, wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths=None, custom_throughput=None, mu_min=0.10, return_sigmas=False): """ Compute the four-parameter non-linear limb-darkening coefficients. Parameters ---------- wavelength_range : array_like, (start, end) Wavelength range over which to compute the limb-darkening coefficients. Wavelengths must be given in angstroms and the values must fall within the supported range of the corresponding instrument mode. mode : string Instrument mode that defines the throughput. Modes supported for Hubble: 'HST_STIS_G430L', 'HST_STIS_G750L', 'HST_WFC3_G280p1', 'HST_WFC3_G280n1', 'HST_WFC3_G102', 'HST_WFC3_G141'. Modes supported for JWST: 'JWST_NIRSpec_Prism', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G395M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235H', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G235M', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f100', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140H-f070', 'JWST_NIRSpec_G140M-f070', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo1', 'JWST_NIRISS_SOSSo2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F322W2', 'JWST_NIRCam_F444', 'JWST_MIRI_LRS'. Modes for photometry: 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch1', 'Spitzer_IRAC_Ch2', 'TESS'. Alternatively, use 'custom' mode. In this case the custom wavelength and custom throughput must also be specified. custom_wavelengths : array_like, optional Wavelengths corresponding to custom_throughput [angstroms]. custom_throughput : array_like, optional Throughputs corresponding to custom_wavelengths. mu_min : float Minimum value of mu to include in the fitting process. return_sigmas : boolean Return the uncertainties, or standard deviations, of each fitted limb-darkening coefficient. Default: False. Returns ------- if return_sigmas == False: (c1, c2, c3, c4) : tuple Limb-darkening coefficients for the three-parameter non-linear law. else: ((c1, c2, c3, c4), (c1_sigma, c2_sigma, c3_sigma, c4_sigma)) : tuple of tuples Limb-darkening coefficients for the four-parameter non-linear law and uncertainties on each coefficient. """ # Compute I(mu) for a given response function. self._integrate_I_mu(wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput) # Fit limb-darkening law. return self._fit_ld_law(nonlinear_4param_ld_law, mu_min, return_sigmas)
def _load_stellar_model(self): if self.verbose > 1: print("Loading stellar model from {} grid.".format(self.ld_model)) sg = StellarGrids(self.M_H_input, self.Teff_input, self.logg_input, self.ld_model, self.ld_data_path, self.remote_ld_data_path, self.ld_data_version, self.interpolate_type, self.verbose) self.stellar_wavelengths, self.mus, self.stellar_intensities = \ sg.get_stellar_data() if self.verbose > 1: print("Stellar model loaded.") def _check_stellar_model(self): if not self.stellar_intensities.ndim == 2: raise ValueError("Stellar intensities must be 2D, with shape " "(n wavelengths, n mu values)") if not self.stellar_wavelengths.shape[0] == \ self.stellar_intensities.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Stellar wavelengths must have the same shape as " "stellar_intensities.shape[0].") if not self.mus.shape[0] == self.stellar_intensities.shape[1]: raise ValueError("mu values must have the same shape as " "stellar_intensities.shape[1].") def _read_sensitivity_data(self, mode): local_sensitivity_file_path = os.path.join( self.ld_data_path, "Sensitivity_files/{}_throughput{}.csv".format(mode, self.ld_data_version)) remote_sensitivity_file_path = os.path.join( self.remote_ld_data_path, "Sensitivity_files/{}_throughput{}.csv".format(mode, self.ld_data_version)) # Check if exists locally. if not os.path.exists(local_sensitivity_file_path): download(remote_sensitivity_file_path, local_sensitivity_file_path, self.verbose) if self.verbose > 1: print("Downloaded {}.".format(local_sensitivity_file_path)) sensitivity_data = np.loadtxt(local_sensitivity_file_path, skiprows=1, delimiter=",") sensitivity_wavelengths = sensitivity_data[:, 0] sensitivity_throughputs = sensitivity_data[:, 1] return sensitivity_wavelengths, sensitivity_throughputs def _integrate_I_mu(self, wavelength_range, mode, custom_wavelengths, custom_throughput): if mode == "custom": # Custom throughput provided. s_wavelengths = custom_wavelengths s_throughputs = custom_throughput if self.verbose > 1: print("Using custom instrument throughput with wavelength " "range {}-{} A.".format(s_wavelengths[0], s_wavelengths[-1])) else: # Read in mode specific throughput. s_wavelengths, s_throughputs = self._read_sensitivity_data(mode) if self.verbose > 1: print("Loading instrument mode={} with wavelength range " "{}-{} A.".format(mode, s_wavelengths[0], s_wavelengths[-1])) # Select wavelength range. wavelength_range = np.sort(np.array(wavelength_range)) s_mask = np.logical_and(wavelength_range[0] < s_wavelengths, s_wavelengths < wavelength_range[1]) if wavelength_range[1] < s_wavelengths[0] \ or s_wavelengths[-1] < wavelength_range[0]: raise ValueError( "Wavelength range {}-{} A has no overlap with instrument " "mode {}'s range {}-{} A.".format( wavelength_range[0], wavelength_range[1], mode, s_wavelengths[0], s_wavelengths[-1])) i_mask = np.logical_and(wavelength_range[0] < self.stellar_wavelengths, self.stellar_wavelengths < wavelength_range[1]) if wavelength_range[1] < self.stellar_wavelengths[0] \ or self.stellar_wavelengths[-1] < wavelength_range[0]: raise ValueError( "Wavelength range {}-{} A has no overlap with stellar " "spectra's range {}-{} A.".format( wavelength_range[0], wavelength_range[1], self.stellar_wavelengths[0], self.stellar_wavelengths[-1])) s_wvs = s_wavelengths[s_mask] s_thp = s_throughputs[s_mask] i_wvs = self.stellar_wavelengths[i_mask] i_int = self.stellar_intensities[i_mask] # Ready sensitivity interpolator. if s_wvs.shape[0] >= 2: s_interp_func = interp1d(s_wvs, s_thp, kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) else: mean_wv = np.mean(wavelength_range) match_wv_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(s_wavelengths - mean_wv)) match_s = s_throughputs[match_wv_idx] s_interp_func = lambda _sw: np.ones(_sw.shape) * match_s # Pre-compute Gauss-legendre roots and rescale to lims. roots, weights = roots_legendre(500) a = wavelength_range[0] b = wavelength_range[1] t = (b - a) / 2 * roots + (a + b) / 2 if self.verbose > 1: print("Integrating I(mu) for wavelength limits of {}-{} A." .format(a, b)) # Iterate mu values computing intensity. self.I_mu = np.zeros(i_int.shape[1]) for mu_idx in range(self.mus.shape[0]): # Ready intensity interpolator. if i_wvs.shape[0] >= 2: i_interp_func = interp1d( i_wvs, i_int[:, mu_idx], kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) else: mean_wv = np.mean(wavelength_range) match_wv_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(self.stellar_wavelengths - mean_wv)) match_i = self.stellar_intensities[match_wv_idx, mu_idx] i_interp_func = lambda _iw: np.ones(_iw.shape) * match_i def integrand(_lambda): return s_interp_func(_lambda) * i_interp_func(_lambda) # Approximate integral. self.I_mu[mu_idx] = (b - a) / 2. * integrand(t).dot(weights) # Set I(mu=1) = 1. if not self.I_mu[0] == 0.: self.I_mu /= self.I_mu[0] else: raise ValueError("Zero intensity in this passband, check your " "wavelength range is correct and in angstroms.") if self.verbose > 1: print("Integral done for I(mu).") def _fit_ld_law(self, ld_law_func, mu_min, return_sigmas): # Truncate mu range to be fitted. mu_mask = self.mus >= mu_min if np.sum(mu_mask) < 2: raise ValueError("mu_min={} set too high, must be >= 2 mu " "values remaining.".format(mu_min)) if not ld_law_func == kipping_ld_law: if self.verbose > 1: print("Fitting limb-darkening law to {} I(mu) data points " "where {} <= mu <= 1, with the Levenberg-Marquardt " "algorithm.".format(np.sum(mu_mask), mu_min)) # Fit limb-darkening law: Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), guess=1. popt, pcov = curve_fit(ld_law_func, self.mus[mu_mask], self.I_mu[mu_mask], method="lm") else: if self.verbose > 1: print("Fitting limb-darkening law to {} I(mu) data points " "where {} <= mu <= 1, with the constrained Trust-Region " "Reflective algorithm.".format(np.sum(mu_mask), mu_min)) # Fit limb-darkening law: Trust-Region Reflective (TRF), guess=0.5. # For the Kipping law, constrain q1, q2 to [0, 1]. popt, pcov = curve_fit(kipping_ld_law, self.mus[mu_mask], self.I_mu[mu_mask], p0=(0.5, 0.5), bounds=((0, 0), (1, 1)), method="trf") if self.verbose > 1: print("Fit done, resulting coefficients are {}.".format(popt)) if return_sigmas: return tuple(popt), tuple(np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))) else: return tuple(popt)